Shehadeh is the first Arab to finish the long race of the Dolomit Marathon


Amman – Opinion

Lina Shehadeh finished the long race at the recently held Dolomite Marathon in Italy, becoming the first Arab to compete and finish the most difficult and famous race in the world.

Shehadeh finished the race In the same race as the Giro de Italy Pro., In 9 hours, where the total participation of women in the long track accounted for only 20% of the runners.

The challenge of the long race is to climb 8 mountains, the length of each mountain is between 6-10km, from the beginning of the race to an end and the mountains become more difficult in the second half of the race.

The difficulty of the Dulumet Marathon is the difficulty of the mountains in which the race passes and its height of the sea, where the peaks of the mountains in the race at an altitude of 2440 m altitude, causing a lack of 39, oxygen and breathing difficulties. The race also includes a steep descent of the peaks at speeds up to 90 km per hour on the bike, which requires training, a good physical and technical condition to control the bike. The race consists of three categories: the short distance and the length of 55 km, the average track and the distance of 100 km and the long road and a distance of 138 km. The 2018 race is the 32nd edition of the race: every year, 33,000 cyclists from around the world compete for only 9,000 seats

Shehadeh competed in several local and international cycling and triathlon races. In 2007, she was the first woman to compete in the Dead Sea race at Aqaba, a distance of 242 km, winning first place in 2012.

Shehada started cycling in 2007. She also participated in the Triathlon Barcelona 2007, Triathlon London 2008 and Triathlon Cyprus 2009 where I had first place for women, then co In a number of UAE triathlon races and the Iron Man race in Dubai in 2017, which is 1.8 km of swimming, 80 km of bike and 21 km of race

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