Sheikha Fatima: The light of the "Arab girl" shines at the beginning of the light and shines when the light of the light


Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, President of the General Union of Women, Supreme Chairperson of the Foundation for Family Development, Chairperson of the Supreme Council of Maternity and Childhood, Um Al -Emarat, delivered a speech, Leaving behind him a stream of national and social poems, charged with the highest meanings and true feelings. "Aousha Al Suwaidi's poems bore the hopes and aspirations of the generations: pain and patience were synonymous with suffering and suffering. She was a living symbol for UAE women and her constant problems of attendance, role , education and work and participation in national construction ". The following is the text of His Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak's speech in 1965: The Hero of Believers, a Muslim woman in the religion of God and the Almighty, she called the Emirates for her flag,

" Arab "who accompanied us and accompanied her in a long journey, spread over the generations, and became a breeding plant for this generous land, and the depths of this land, originality and comfort , came poet Aousha Bint Khalifa Al Suwaidi, Luminous for Emirati women

For a hundred years, it is His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who was the first to touch the talent of the Swedish poetess Aousha, and his father, (19659002) Oud Al-Hawa and his son Shakni Jilk Boussafi

The specter of Roya Lea Amshgneh Shatt Bek and the right to avoid

Aousha Al-Suwaidi came from Beit Karim and Aseel, And has become a hundred-year-old girl from every home in the emirates United Arab Emirates, and in the Persian Gulf. Anyone who reads a poem to him or hears worms from his hair was waiting for what his village would do. The Swedish poem Aussa was the news on every roof and in the middle of every family.

In her biography, as in her poetry, Aoucheh Al Suwaidi was a living symbol of Emirati women and her constant questions of presence, role, education and work, and active participation in the building this nation. It is a right acquired by Emirati women and the early consciousness of the generation of founders, who realized that society is only in its wings, and that the prosperity of the motherland can be achieved only with the participation of all his sons.

To the extent that generations of women have been inspired in their quest for personal fulfillment, they have also instilled men with generations of men, overcoming difficulties and challenges. The UAE lost the death of Aousha Bint Khalifa Al Suwaidi, a glowing light in the first light, and shone when the light grew.

Fatima Bint Mubarak [fonction]

The great mercy of God, and I will live in the space of his crimes, and inspired, as well as his people, patience and consolation. () {
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