Signs of the recurrence of the crisis between the UAE and the Yemeni government in Aden


Tension between the Yemeni government and UAE-backed separatist groups returned in a few weeks after the return of Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansour Hadi to the city, which forced him to leave the country for nearly a year. A year and a half. Signs of conflict over the past few days, which have sparked fears of renewed conflict in the city, may soon put an end to the temporary rapprochement between legitimacy – Abu Dhabi, which lasted nearly a month.

Local sources in Aden, "The New Arab", the atmosphere of tension has returned in the past three days, with the return of the so-called separatist president "Transition South", Idruse Zubaidi, from UAE to the city, and other movements have revealed the continued insurgency of the forces backed by Abu Dhabi and close to the separatists, On the directives of the legitimate government, following the interview, in the weeks

"The atmosphere of tension has returned in tandem with the return of Zubaidi from the United Arab Emirates to Aden


According to sources, The security guards of the so-called "security forces" loyal to the UAE At the gates of Aden, refused to enter the displaced families of Hodeidah province, which escalated last month. These forces invoke regional affiliation to prevent families from reaching Aden, as was the case in previous months of harassing separatists in the northern provinces. Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid Bin Dajar has acknowledged the obstruction of IDPs in Aden. "It is not in the law to prevent families from the northern provinces from entering Aden," he said on Twitter, "this is not in our customs, our traditions and our customs ". He added that "exposing children, women and the elderly is forbidden," stressing that "everyone must do their duty, their responsibility and safety points, wherever they are, to comply with the law".

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As part of the growing steps observed in Aden, a security force affiliated with the Yemeni Army and Armed Forces of Yemen, the "security organ of the" council Transition "in Aden, arrested Monday the editor of the newspaper" Aden al-Ghad ", the journalist Fathi Ben-Lazaq and severely beat him before releasing him hours later, Following the widespread denunciation and contacts of government officials. Since last year, Zarq has been known for his critical writings against the Transitional Council. He returned to Aden last Monday, the president of the "transition" and the former governor of Aden, Idruse Zubaidi, who was the arm of the United Arab Emirates to fight against the legitimacy during the war. last year. Zubaidi, for the most part, had been in Abu Dhabi for some time, in a sort of implicit agreement with the coalition to avoid escalating its presence in the city. But his return coincided with the emergence of a new crisis in Aden that raised many questions about whether agreements between the government and the UAE reached a stalemate, especially with relative calm of the battle of Hodeidah. And this last was an isolated resort where Abu Dhabi needed some sort of reconciliation with legitimacy.

Despite the release of some 40 prisoners from the infamous "Bir Ahmad" prison in Aden by "security" forces loyal to the UAE, the atmosphere of disagreement and refusal of family entry displaced in the northern governorates, as well as acts of sabotage targeting the electricity transmission lines during the hot summer of Aden are as many serious indicators of the possibility a new crisis in Aden. Who created a state of calm, allowed the return of Hadi and officials of the legitimacy

A security force in Aden attacked the journalist Fathi Ben Lazar


It is at note that the relationship between the Yemen government and the United Arab Emirates dominated the conflict for nearly two years, after it dominated the alliance's influence in the southern cities and the ## 147 ## 39; is. At the end of May, Abu Dhabi sought to engage with the Yemeni side by inviting Yemeni Interior Minister Ahmed al-Misri, one of the most influential government officials. , United Arab Emirates. And came back after about a week, announcing the arrival of understandings about the unification of the work of the security services and the empowerment of the legitimate government. Later, Hadi went to Abu Dhabi and met with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed before returning to Aden in stages which represented the beginning of a revision phase. relations between the two parties. At the time the agreements were to be implemented with operational measures reflecting security in Aden and in other provinces, the return of the crisis reappeared at a time when only a few weeks had passed since return from Hadi. , About a month ago, but extends to the Battle of Hodeidah, in which the UAE supports Yemeni forces to take control of the city and the strategic port of the Houthis. If the conflict in Aden intensifies and is not contained soon, it is an indication that climbing on the west coast may enter a stalemate.

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News | News of the day: indicators of the return of the crisis between the UAE and the Yemeni government in Aden – You can see the source of the original news of the following link: the new Arab and the site of the unit declines all responsibility for the content news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher. [ad_2]
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