Sources: Saudi Airlines Negotiates Boeing 777X Order With Boeing


DUBAI / PARIS, July 9 (Reuters) – Saudi Arabian Airlines is considering a possible purchase order for a Boeing 777X jumbo jet, according to three sources.

Kingdom of the state aviation also known as "Saudi Arabia", can reach an agreement and the number of aircraft that it seeks to buy.

Boeing and Saudi Airlines declined to comment.

Saudi General Manager Saleh Bin Nasser al-Jasser told Reuters in November that an order for large aircraft was scheduled for 2018.

The Demand potential of Saudi Arabia could ease the pressure on Boeing, (IranAir) before the US withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran and announce their intention to reimpose sanctions in Tehran .

The former ally of Saudi Arabia hailed US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal. The opening of world trade in Tehran in exchange for the restriction of its nuclear activities.

Discussions also take place at a time when doubts have been expressed about the rigidity of orders for 777X aircraft from the Gulf, particularly Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi. A restructuring that cost $ 3.5 billion over the last two years

The 777X is an upgraded version of Boeing's successful mini jumbo series. The 777-9, with 406 seats, is expected to come into service in 2020.

Saudi Airlines has a fleet of 148 Boeing and Airbus aircraft, including the twin 777, according to its website.

Saudi Arabia is in the process of restructuring since 2015 and has abandoned its non-core activities while its plan to return to profitability by 2020.

(Ahmed Elhamy for publication in Arabic)

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