Special: Candidate Youssef Al-Sherif to leave the season of the films of Eid al-Adha


Despite filming all the scenes of the movie "Bani Adam", and hinting that he will participate strongly in the Eid Al-Adha season, to compensate for the absence of the movie star Youssef Al-Adha Sharif for 9 years,

   Youssef El Sherif

"Mrs. Net" has learned that discussions are currently underway between the company Synergy, producer of the movie "Bani Adam" and the hero of the star Youssef Sharif, to take a decision And a recommendation to avoid "clutter of the holiday season", especially since the number of films nominated for the show is large Its biggest movie stars, which will lead to fragmentation income, as Sazlm many movies.
The movie "Bani Adam", the idea of ​​Youssef Al-Sharif, script and dialogue Amr Samir Atef and directed by Ahmed Nader Galal, with Youssef Sharif in the first return of cinema after 9 years, since the movie "World" and participated in the tournament, Dina Sherbini and Ahmad Rizk and Mahmoud soldier and here Zahid and Bayoumi Fouad.

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