Stephen Hawking's collection at an online auction


The legendary physicist Stephen Hawking, one of the brightest minds, died in March with a collection of 22 personal items sold for sale at an auction on the shoulders of the giants, open there two days and continues. By November 8th. The auction includes copies of Hawking's most important items, including The Black Hole Explosions (1974), a selection of his medals and awards, and a copy of his most famous research, A Brief History of Time (1988) , marked with his fingerprint, his jacket and his text. The scenario of his appearance in one of the episodes of the famous series "The Simsons". The estimated price of the auction starts at a minimum of £ 100 and the last piece of the auction, one of the Hawking wheelchairs, will be sold to the Stephen Hawking Charitable Foundation and the Nerve Motion Association.

"It was a source of pride and pride," said Thomas Wenning, director of Christie's Books and Manuscripts in London. "Christie worked at an auction to sell these personal belongings," she said, citing some of Hawking's scientific successes. In addition to highlighting his unique personality and inspiring life story. He concluded by stating, "This auction ends with the personal wheelchair, which Hawking has led as one of the most outstanding scientists, and his mind has traced the horizons of time space, making him one of the largest wheelchairs in history. "

One of the most important of this group is his thesis, which he wrote in a book titled "A Brief History of Time". This is a golden opportunity for authors of manuscripts and manuscripts, priced at between £ 100,000 and £ 150,000, one of the original five versions of this dissertation.

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