"Striptease is not free" .. artists and beyond the red lines


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The artist tends to release, to adopt fixed habits and may cause him problems, which has occurred in various recent events, questioning us on the limits of the personal freedom of the artist. Creativity and freedom as a link between the introduction and the result, between food and the living organism, between the mother and her newborn If creativity is a new useful gift in a human field, this tenderness and wealth of human life is free. Detects the unknown and transcends the known, while freedom as art, the concept can not, It should not be defined by a definition, but rather by a family in which are gathered many ideas, visions and possibilities: the Algerian writer Bashir Khalaf in the issue of the journal "Dialogue des civilisés" (2006).

The painter Hassan Suleiman in his book "Freedom of the Artist" indicates that the trend towards the release of the artist is gradually increasing. This tendency to freedom results from the feeling of loss of the artist and becomes the loss of the symbol of the new generation. Modern art has become the expression of a fierce struggle, not against death or fate, but unfortunately against society and several recent events question us about the limits of freedom, personal freedom of the artist, confusion and freedom of creation.

"The personal freedom of the artist does not mean his departure from the customs and traditions of society, and confirms this freedom" For example, the young artist Rahma Hassan has published a photo of his freedom naked, not personal, like what happened in the past with Ghada Abdel Razek during the broadcast of a video of her and shows a sensitive area of ​​her body, not personal freedom , freedom of the artist Does this mean what he wants, and do what he wants, but according to the traditions of society, but the extent of his own selflessness ?

Al-Shennawi states that "the law is considered to be the act done by Rahma is publicly in the body, and that is a big mistake, he did not expose him to a relative for example, but exposed to millions? " Is not this a personal freedom, and there is no separation between the personal freedom of the artist and that of the ordinary man and what the man ordinary says to the artist, and there is no freedom in the artist?

The art critic continues: "The artist counts everything accurately, more than the average man, he has to think twice before he can do anything . " And the public does not have the right to interfere.

Hanan Shoman: In the difference between average person's freedom and celebrity

There is a difference between the personal freedom of the artist and any public figure, and the personal freedom of the average person. That's what we do not agree on, Chery Adel is a young actress and public figure, and Mezaz Masoud is a lawyer, a producer, a writer and a public figure, as long as the marriage is stated, people have the right to express their opinion. But we have to mix the degree of intervention and exposure. "

adds to" Liberation : "In law the public account is different from the average person, for example the average person has the right to sue the journalist who talks about his private life without his permission He said that he had given everyone the right to give his opinion on what she was doing,.

"Artists often marry in secret, and as long as no one has the right to talk about it, every artist has the right to practice his life as he wants and when he wants, but he remains limited to ordinary people to talk about it. I see, for example, that the marriage of Chery and goat is unequal, a preacher speaking of the necessity of the veil by espousing a flagrant logic!

Magda Morris: The limits of freedom are respect for the traditions of society

Critique Magda Morris, author of "19659008" Liberation "Individual freedom is that of" a layman or an artist, There is a limit but respect for the traditions of society, you are free but according to the traditions of society, and we are an Eastern society, and the artist has an additional part, being a public figure known to all and who must be more sensitive to the habits of society.When an opinion is said, for example, it is clear and unambiguous, and its behavior is clear. "

Maurice claims that the representation of his nakedness by the artist Rahma Hassan ignores the idea that we are a conservative society and that a large part of his women wear the hijab. They are free, and if people knew that they lived with non-marriages, everyone would be free. "

The freedom of the artist and the freedom of the art

Dr. Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid says of the conference" The art and speech of Prohibition "(American University, May 2008):" The art is the exercise of the highest levels of freedom. In art, the maximum degree of freedom is freed from the restriction of the body in the dance, limitations of monotony in the music, limitations of the material in the art, limits of the language in the poetry and the literature . It is only through the art that a person can be released to rebuild his world and develop his culture. "For this creative freedom, which only exists in art, extremists hate the art of all sects politically, socially and morally".

The problem of the freedom of the art and the artist includes various freedoms, including political and creative, the freedom to offer his works, the release of the artist. art of any imposed constraint, the extent of the moral freedom and the physical independence of the artist. However, his personal freedom is combined primarily with the customs and traditions of the community

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