Sudan witnesses an unprecedented phenomenon in this century


[19189001] Sudan is experiencing a celestial phenomenon, the longest of the 21st century, according to the Sudanese Society of Astronomy and Space.

The Sudanese society of astronomy and astronomy announced a total lunar eclipse on Friday night, July 27. The eclipse should be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, according to Sudan's Al Shorouk network.

The Committee pointed out that the lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the moon crosses the Earth during the orbit of the Earth, in this situation the moon is behind the Earth for the sun .

The Sudanese Society of Astronomy notes that the total eclipse is the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

The assembly noted that Mars will be visible near the moon, shining in its orbit on its way to the shortest distance between it and the orbit of the planet.

The Assembly explained in the table of the phases of eclipse, that the beginning of the moon's entrance into the earth will be at 8:24 pm, and the beginning of the total eclipse at 21:30, and its peak at 22:21 and will end at 23:13.

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