Sudden name on the Bayern Munich table to succeed Kovac!


Bayern Munich seem to be fed up with the poor performance of all competitions in the 2018-2019 season. Its results also deteriorated, leading to a decline in the Bundesliga table.

The most important decision for the club's management in the coming period seems to be the fate of coach Nico Kovac, Bayern's manager since the start of the season, replacing veteran coach Yup Hainkes, who took over from Bayern Italian coach Carlo Ancelotti.

Read also: Bayern Munich decides to sign Zidane to succeed Kovac

The German Bundesliga newspaper Bild reports that the next decision by Bayern Munich could be the dismissal of its German coach against another coach who will improve the team, which currently ranks fifth in the league table. Bundesliga with just 21 points and 9 points behind Borussia. Dortmund is the leader of the competition.

Arsène Wenger

The newspaper reports that there is a big name, Bwa, who is currently negotiating at the Bayern Munich Board of Directors meeting table to entrust him with the technical management of the team, the French veteran Arsene Wenger.

While the veteran French coach is free in the current period after leaving Arsenal at the end of the 2017-18 season and after more than 20 years on the bench at Emirates Stadium where they have won many titles, as well as many talents of international football.

Read / Read: Wenger denies rumors about his association with Milan and responds to news of his approach to Real Madrid

The Bayern Munich management has recently debated its final decision to appeal to Wenger, which is a strong goal for many top European clubs to take over their management this season or even early next season.

While Wenger has recently made public statements confirming that his return to training will resume early in the year 2019, he is closely linked to the formation of AC Milan as a successor to the Italian coach and legend Gronzo Grosso because of deteriorating results of the season.

Wenger's role in the Lombardi club will not only depend on technical management, but the club's management plans to give more club maneuvers to the transfer market to build an impressive list of young players to restore the prestige of the club in the future.

Arsène Wenger

The 69-year-old coach has also been associated with Real Madrid's technical management as Julien Lobetigi's successor to Spain, but the club has chosen to rely on Castilla coach Santiago Solari.

Bayern Munich is also closely linked to the decision to recruit former Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane, who is enjoying the rest of the season after signing for the Champions League in the last three years.

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