Summary of the latest free wrestling news today, July 19,


In this report we present the most important and important news of the struggle today.

Surprise .. Legend Hogan was present on the scenes of Extreme Rolls

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The reports confirmed that the myth of the free wrestling Halek Hogan was exposed to the exhibition Extreme Rolls in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

These reports report that Hogan shook hands with a number of WWE stars and officials before and during the Xtreme Rolls show.

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New injury Kevin Owens in Xtreme Rolls !!


Star Kevin Owens delivered a powerful show to Extreme Rolls against the beast among men between Struman in the Iron Cage.

This was the most intense moment when Stroman threw Owen out of the iron cage at the commentary table, and Owens was wounded and transferred by the medical team to a stretcher.

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Bobby Lashley does not want not meet Roman


Star wrestler Bobby Lashley interviewed the WWE correspondent after the end of his last show, Will be joined by star Roman Rennes, who will qualify the winner to meet the human locomotive Brooke Lesnar in the premiere of Samar Salam WWE World title.

Lashley said that he did not want to face Romain Raines after he stood in front of him at Xtreme Rolls.

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What is the # Booker T.'s Opinion


The legendary wrestler Booker T recently interviewed Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast on the emergence of the human locomotive Brooke Lesnar, WWE World Champion in the Union of Arts. UFC combat fight.

Brock Leesner entered the Octagon cage after Daniel Courmier's match against Stépe Miusic in the UFC226 broadcast, and announced his acceptance of Cormier's challenge to face him.

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After 3 years. Officially


Good news for fans of free fight legend Hulk Hogan, WWE officially announced the return of Hulk Hogan to the Hall of Fame 3 years ago. Years

The WWE expelled Hogan after the leak of his audio cassette in which he uttered racist words against dark-skinned people.

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