Surprise for all motorists. New speed camera warning in this app


Surprise for all motorists a new property warning you of "radars" in this application

New feature warns you about "speed cameras" on Google Maps

Google is preparing to provide a new feature to map users, "Google Maps", to allow them to know the location of "speed cameras" and reduce their speed before avoiding traffic violations.

Google is testing a new feature, which allows users to report crash locations or radar, to be used by the company in Google Maps to warn other drivers.

The feature was put on some Android phones, with the + inside "bubble speech", appeared in the lower left corner of the screen, according to the website "Android Police.

By clicking on the label, the user can report any accidents or radars. Google then collects the data and creates a clear idea of ​​the nature of the traffic in a given area, but the person must use the navigation mode.

Since this data is significantly updated, the new feature can alert you to mobile police radars.

Google will likely rely on data provided by a group of users for a specific area, then place them on its maps to make sure it is not, by example, incorrect information about a single user.

These features are already available on Google's "Wow" app, but this will be the first time Google Maps will be available.

This article is from: Constitution

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