Swift plans to separate some Iranian banks from the messaging system over the weekend


PARIS (Reuters) – The network will separate some Iranian banks from its system early next week, Gottfried Lebrant, managing director of SWIFT Financial Messaging Services, based in Belgium, said Friday.

Earlier this week, Swift announced the suspension of the arrival of some Iranian banks in its system of "stability and integrity of the global financial system".

Swift did not mention the US sanctions as the reason for its decision, which probably reflects the fact that it is caught between conflicting regulatory requirements.

It is unfortunate that we are not allowed to remain neutral, "he said at a Franco-German conference in Paris.This was a business decision and was not allowed to remain neutral. not affect all banks.

He then said that the list of banks would be published at the beginning of the week after notification to the banks concerned. He declined to say whether the central bank was on the list.

The US government has informed Swift that it expects that they will comply with the sanctions and that it may face sanctions from Washington if it does not does not comply. Swift, meanwhile, is not allowed to do so under EU law known as the blockade law, which may expose it to European sanctions if it complies with US law .


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