Tamer Hosny takes us to the scenes of the song "Live Bouchoukk" video


It seems that Tamer will surprise his audience this summer with his new works, dominated by excellence as evidenced by these scenes that were presented either in terms of words and melody, or even through the vision of the exit. The video presents an interview of the Bajauri-led team that tells the idea of ​​the clip, centered on a young man who meets many people with different problems trying to make them smile in his own way.

He also praises Tamer for standing out from other stars Especially in the decision to shoot all the songs from the album on the way to the video clip, working with several directors.

Hosni released the accused of betraying his wife with a young Lebanese woman, a post on his Facebook page, The new clip and writes: "A song to live your words Bilal Sorour, distribution Bilal Sorour and Hani Mahrous, and I want to thank the authors of the work and the great engineer Hani Mahrous for his interest and his relentlessness on our common production of the song and find the subject after the request of the frequent I want to enrich the subject "

He continued: "As if I had to think of a great director and a different costume from Hadi Al-Bagouri, all the more so since it is the last two songs of my heart."

Light in Two Weeks: "In fact, Hadi studied the song and came after a period that inspired a general framework for photographing the heavy roll of my personality using the great decorator Islam Al Banna and the director of the phot Very distinguished ography very Mazen Almtjul and God willing we will walk step by step and the album of preparations Hurikoa to the extent of the album shows the light, God willing. {
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