Technology News Today – After the NVIDIA cards, what about the middle class?


We talked about the new NVIDIA RTX card and its quality and functionality, but we found at the end of this article that the GeForce RTX cards we've always loved kept their strength and we talked about the high class of cards of the middle class. Middle-class players can always enjoy a high quality of play in general, be it the number of friems or luxuries that enhance the gimeng experience in general. You can now know what we are talking about in this article, yes, let's talk about NVIDIA cards. GeForce GTX for the middle class and how it still maintains its value in the field of gimping now and for years to come.

Have you ever wondered what was the most important factor for integrating the process? The most important factor is the graphics card (GPU) because it is the primary responsibility to handle the huge games we see today. Of course, we are assisted in many ways by the screen, the processor and the random memory, as well as by the speed, but especially the graphics card, The graphic, which does not exceed the dimensions of a small booklet containing thousands of processors and its own random memory, the wizard is a small computer inside a large computer. Let's start with this and start talking about this little computer:

Nvidia GeForce GTX-

NVIDIA GeForce GTX cards for the middle class

GeForce GTX cards can all belong to the middle class after the next generation of cards, even the most powerful GTX 1080 Ti cards, but some GTX 10 cards are still expensive. Our conversation is about really average maps, the GTX 1060, GTX. 1070, but we take advantage of almost everything NVIDIA offers, even with the GTX 1060. You might wonder what NVIDIA offers right from the start. This question will occupy a large part of the article. But first, let's talk about the NVIDIA GTX 1060 as one of the best. This price category:

• GeForce GTX 1060 card

This map comes with Pascal architecture, which is not attractive even after the issuance of the new Turing architecture. The GTX 1060 of course offers better performance than its predecessor 1050, as well as additional performance in all respects. Accelerated processing 30 to 45% faster than the previous generation and 25% faster in CUDA cores. This card also offers excellent value for money and is perfect for reading in 1080p format. 1440P with some games, as well as the card is suitable for all AAA and Battle Royale games that swept these days.

On games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, PUBG and Fortnite, you can easily get more than 60 images with GeForce class cards, topped with a 1060 card. The GTX 1060 comes in two versions, one with a video memory of 3 GB and the other with 6 GB. With the quality you can play, if you play in 1080p, everything will be fine, but if you go up to 1440p, it would be better to get the 6 GB version, it's obvious.

We achieved a very important result: I am a card of the middle class NVIDIA and the beginning of the GTX 1060 will give you an excellent performance for the game on most known and unknown games. You can play from 60 years old or older on 1080p and also play quality. 1440p on some games with some tire waiver, of course, if you go up to 1060Ti or 1070, you will get more results, but is it this all? No, but here we are talking about what NVIDIA is offering: NVIDIA offers its users a global ecosystem-friendly experience that includes a number of factors and features that we will now examine.

• NVIDIA Highlights Technology

As of 2013, NVIDIA users have begun to enjoy the GeForce Experience app, which offers dozens of different features and additional features to make the experience not only at stake. NVIDIA Highlights allows users to take important snapshots while automatically playing, including Kills, Won. Etc. This feature is one of the many features – or techniques – of the screenshot during the game, but this feature is fully automatic and described by Infidia as a technology that allows players to prioritize play instead of playing. . To disperse the shooting of videos and so on.

• NVIDIA ShadowPlay Technology

ShadowPlay is the most important feature here because it is the most specialized technology for screen capture, high quality video playback, screenshots and Livestreams. If you do not prefer NVIDIA Highlights, you can use ShadowPlay's instant refund feature. You can record the last 30 seconds, shoot GIFs for 15 seconds and share them directly on Facebook or Google, and one of the best features of NVIDIA ShadowPlay is that it retains the quality of the game in the quality of the video itself. even.

• NVIDIA Ansel Technology

You may have heard of game photography or creative photography and photography in games. You may have taken a picture of any game and you have put it on the cover of your Facebook account because of your love, Here come Ansel, which allows you to photograph professionally. Unmatched, here is a picture taken by the players in known games:

NVIDIA uses this technique to replace the Print Screen button with a professional DSLR camera because you'll have the freedom to change shooting angles, as well as editable business images that you can edit directly from your graphics card. As shown in the second image below, as well as the Super Resolution feature, high quality images with all the details, as shown in the screenshot below. Z does not explode on the other hand, you can produce three-dimensional images also by Ansel 360 function.

• GeForce Game Ready Definitions

One of the most important features provided by NVIDIA to its players is the WHQL GeForce Game Ready driver, which dramatically improves gaming performance and provides solutions to the problems that users face. These definitions indirectly contribute to optimize all NVIDIA cards, even if these tariffs support dozens of cards, even obsolete, you can for example see the update of Game Ready 416.16, which offers an integration with the latest update of Windows 10.

We are now approaching the end of the article, but before that we must determine the facts. First, the mid-range NVIDIA GeForce GTX cards provide enough power to get the perfect Jiming experience without having to sell a member of your body. It's a good quality like 1080p or 1440p, but you can get it from other companies – although I doubt it – but what you can not get elsewhere, these are the capabilities of NVDIDA, described above. Sit back and use the keyboard, mouse and screen for a complete integrated experience, including playing in high quality, moving. Play games, get regular updates and ongoing pricing, as well as many other features, including Ansel, which we've already discussed.There are many games ready to work best with GTX cards such as CoD and of course Battlefield 5.

Now our article ends, but if it does not end in your mind and imagination, we shared everything you want to say in the comments. We are waiting for you

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