Technology News Today – Our impressions of Hitman 2: the best experience!


IO Interactive and Warner Bros come back with a new adventure for Agent 47, Hitman 2's popular killer.

Hitman 2, as we have the habit, is one of the most innovative games in the use of violence during the assassinations of Agent Agent 47, but without brutality or Gore's process, it is a mental process that depends more on solving puzzles than killing the same targets.

As usual, your goals in the game are a group of wealthy and well-armed criminals who overlap over several rows of fortifications and security guards. You must always reach your goal as peacefully as possible and get rid of it as intelligently as possible. Like previous versions, Hitman 2 is a major development of the previous part of 2016.

Although the game is considered an amendment to the previous version, but it is more impressive but not much, of course, the number and density of people in the rush and the largest UI lists and the concealment system identical to the previous version also participate in the aesthetic side. All this will not prevent you from enjoying the game, especially since you will evaluate it as a complete experience.

Hitman 2 IO Interactive

Hitman 2 offers six steps that give us a truly rich experience:

Hitman 2 features 6 missions from the release date, each providing a unique experience and full interaction within high-rise buildings, challenging streets and challenges that offer you the right opportunities to miss out on your mission and reach your goal.

On one of the missions, you will have your adventure on a circuit and a combined circuit in an exhibition park separated by an underground car park. Followed by a larger mission in the Colombian village of Santa Fortuna, which includes a palace, a construction site, a network of caves, a drug production area and a rainforest that will spend hours trying to catch three different targets on the map.

Hitman 2 contains 5 large missions on 6 missions. The sixth is actually the first task in New Zealand, where you discover a beach house and play its role as a prelude to the game. This does not mean that it is a weak task in terms of design, but does not certainly does not reach the huge design level in the rest of the missions and other areas. Regions and stages, but it is somewhat distorted by repetition or quote, where they all seem familiar.

hitman 2 io interactive warner bros

Hitman 2 gives you a lot of freedom to play the task, but the playing style of each task is almost identical, you will walk around the area until the people around you talk about the task and help you. bring closer to the goal. By activating Mission Story, the new title of the opportunity system in Hitman 2, which allows you to track the information you get for your target, such as the theft of personal clothing likely to meet him in the future .

This is what you will encounter in most Hitman 2 missions, which can be a problem for many players, but you will find that it is not always so simple in all missions.

All tasks are complex in nature, making some tasks more complex than solving the puzzle. You will be directed to general instructions, but the implementation method is entirely up to you to submit NPC characters and hide bodies, etc. Of course, most of the scenarios you can follow do not all end up meeting your goal, but the game is designed to play multiple roles that allow everyone to achieve the best way to reach your goal and complete the task. .

Of course, your gaming experience will be longer in terms of the time required to complete each task because of the size of the milestones and the many details you need to analyze. This is a plus point in the design of Hitman 2. It allows you to choose a specific difficulty level and take advantage of the help if you wish.

You can reach your goal in the most chaotic way possible, leaving everyone a record of bodies and casualties before the job is completed, or trying to reach the assessment of the person. silent assassin and run it in the smarter and quieter way possible. Absolutely as it should be for a professional killer such as Agent 47.

Challenges or challenges:

All missions contain challenges that you are rewarded for having accomplished, for example killing the target in one way without the other or getting a silent assassin score without using disguise. You can take advantage of it thanks to the new concealment features that allow you to hide yourself in the middle of the crowd or even in the grassy grass such as Assassin's Creed.

By completing these challenges, you will get larger XP points that will allow you to get more tools, new start sites, and stash points so you can smuggle some tools. You will need these tools at some point to achieve your goals instead of just opening locks and currencies to break you will enjoy Hitman 2 rewards in the form of tools and weapons to help you carry out your task easier, more professional and more creative. To mention the tools, IO Interactive has returned the bag that allows you to take Sniper Rifle with all your tasks without being immediately attacked by the guards.

assassin 2 silent assassin

Difficult to note:

In addition, many new features and updates to IO Interactive may not seem obvious on first use.

For example, the general appearance of the detection interface has been updated and you can also notice the AI ​​guards, who can now see you through the mirrors, which may not Affect your gaming experience significantly, but it certainly is a useful update. The level of realism also increases the difficulty required for the game to hide as Hitman 2

The other big difference is the cutscenes, which appear for the first time in the slideshow with a series of images. Hitman may not have insisted on the presentation of the story, but it can be a bit annoying, especially when we see repeated videos of Animation tutorials because of the incomprehensible!

Problems and disadvantages:

Unfortunately, Hitman 2 presents problems that have not been solved compared to the previous version of 2016, such as stopping simulation scenes and characters in the middle of the conversation because you just created a new conversation or a new sentence for this character to complete the previous sentence as if nothing had happened. What was also achieved in the previous version, so it is strange to see Hitman 2 solve many problems and many aspects of the game while maintaining a small but very annoying flaw.

The game, although it is a single player, must always remain connected to the Internet. Still, if you want to take advantage of the Challenge, you can play the game without a doubt, but without the advantage of taking up a challenge and therefore not receiving any object. And new tools and weapons that will reward you when you encounter these challenges.

General impression:

Hitman 2 PC

So, in general, the game Hitman 2 offers the same interesting experience as the fans of the series, but this return has caused us some problems that we had the habit of doing. The second version offers some creativity and innovation in terms of style of play, but is divided into five stages filled with rich content that will take you hours to discover all its bakers, making it one of the best best steps in the design of the Hitman series. More importantly, it offers a fertile Sniper Assassin environment and user contracts, as well as Elusive Targets, via future extensions and DLCs for game content.

Hitman 2 should continue in the legacy of the previous version, adding content throughout the year, which is a good thing for players, especially with the release in 6 steps as mentioned before , taking into account the content of Hitman 2016 by the players who have Legacy The pack is available to the owners of the previous game.

Do you prefer the trend of current Hitman games with continuous content or do you prefer the old style that contains a complete story in a separate section?

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