Technology News Today – Our impressions of The Overkill's new zombie game The Walking Dead


Is Overkill's Walking Dead another frustrating game based on Comics and the famous TV series or is it really worth living?

The game is developed by Studio Overkill, the studio responsible for the Payday series, that is, they are first-person shooter experts.

Knowing this information, let's try to answer the introductory question.
The answer to this question may be difficult now. Answer "Yes" can be unfair to the game and answer "No" by deceiving the players. The game seems incomplete or lacks aspects, both content and technical development.

When the game was announced several years ago, everyone was impatient, especially since Overkill was responsible for the action. As long as they present a series of Paday's success, the multiplayer shooter based on the stunning stories of The Walking Dead will give the perfect game.

Let me tell you at first not to rely too much on the existence of a story that is almost non-existent despite the allusion of a factor of history in the previous sensations of Overkill's Walking Dead.

The game does not look like Payday or Left 4 Dead, but it's a mix of some other games, mostly based on team play and team play, with no compelling goals or motivations that make you likeable to characters or excited . Initiation to the trials of the game is good but it's the closest thing, because this is a fight for another camp under the name of The Family, you fight and you attack them because they have stole one of the disinfectants from your camp, even if your side did it at first!

overload the undead

If the focus is fully on the gameplay and gameplay in The Overkill's The Walking Dead.

Advances in the game depend on several stages and scenarios, all based on the will to survive and stay in the style of the Dead Dead, such as stealth and avoid the swarms of zombies to run a generator or the opening of A portal, and sometimes make Chaotic Amor face the situation of jogging and shooting on everything in front This will often happen because the game will be played with other players online, it will only be so no secret and compatibility will be your priority at all.

The game will put you in different situations and you will sometimes encounter zombies zombies who are trying to survive and survive until the next wave and sometimes fight other survivors to try to take advantage of the tools they have . And the multiplicity of opponents is not a good thing. In the end, you are not only confronted with zombies, but also with humans, but you will sometimes be surprised to find that the level of intelligence and gravity of the zombie is sometimes higher than that of the to be human in front of you.

Overkill is the dead-body fight

The AI ​​level of humans you encounter in the game is appallingly low, and it is obvious that the zombie is more dangerous than someone with an automatic weapon. Sometimes you will also be surprised that the level of difficulty that the zombie faces is very difficult and that sometimes too many zombies can catch you easily, which will happen more than once to the point of doubting your abilities.

Combat and weapons:

Fights in the multiplayer game are divided into Melee and Ranged and you have a choice of weapon options, in which you choose from a group of survivors, each with their tools and weapons in which you can fight. The game also features a limited resource, and tools that are a must to create a balance that makes the game sometimes give you moments like Survival Horror games.

You will not be able to run and shoot everything you see at any time for two main reasons: bullets and ammo are not so abundant in the first place, but shooting means getting attention to more zombies . This means that you will use more melee weapons such as rackets, iron bars or the Machete knife.

When using Zombies with melee weapons, it is good to react to the striking site to give you a better idea of ​​its use. The other weapons are machine guns, revolvers and rifles, but you have to remember the sound factor, where the excessive use of weapons and the noises, many swarms of zombies should lead to you and often you will not be able to survive or escape because of the considerable number of people who will not stop attacking you.

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The combination of the previous factor with the difficulty of eliminating zombies makes some encounters impossible and sometimes frustrating. This is perhaps what Overkill's development team wanted to experience the difficulty and cruelty of the zombies and the end of the world.

Diversity is also available in zombie types, where Overkill Walking Dead offers several types of zombie armor with police uniform or zombie bomber that explodes with the approach of the zombie and regulars that you will encounter most time inside the match. Combine this with bad human encounters in the game and you will get a unique mix of good and bad.

On the other hand, the design of the environment in the game is remarkable and even remarkable in many places where some areas have been captured and redrawn, which is quite similar to the Washington areas.

Technical problems and bugs destroy the experience:

One of the game's problems is also the very long time it takes to load screens, even on powerful computers, in addition to the time that is expected when a Matchmaking attempts to return to your base or main menu, a long wait reduces the feeling of enthusiasm if it is present and creates the atmosphere. The game is intermittent and above that, the player will definitely be bored.

That's not all, the game is full of bugs and other technical issues that make it an incomplete early-access game experience. This is what some players have also said. Many of these problems were also in the beta version of Overkill's Walking Dead. The same problems and bugs already What is the reason for the beta in particular ?!

overload the undead characters

Maybe if you can ignore these problems or treat them too much and play with your friends, you can enjoy the game. It can be very stressful to play with your friends, because frankly, the game will not be at all possible if you play online with strangers, all we can promise you I have done a lot of anger and a lot more frustration.

Although the cooperation in a game is designed to be multiplayer in the first place, but it is strange that there is no way to connect to the voice in the game, you can of course connect with your players via Steam or third party programs such as Discord, but developing a multiplayer game without means of communication between players is certainly strange. Especially in 2018.

The defensive modes in the game offer a fun challenge, but the game content seems aimless, given the element of non-presence of the elements of the story, you will have to carry out the resource gathering for your survivors camp as well as updates here and there. What concerns you more than just fighting.

overload the dead heather that works

The players and the progression system are positive:

Regarding the evolution and development of the characters, the game offers a good experience in terms of character diversity and abilities that you can develop in each of them thanks to Skill Trees, which allows you to develop features such as better correction, better ammunition or improved manufacturing tools used.

You will have the choice between four characters, each with a special class (for example, Scout, Heater, Aidan Tank, Grant Tactician and Maya).

Developing your character is an ongoing process during the game. Every step and every attempt contributes to it. Even when you lose, which is definitely a good thing, imagine the loss of a game that offers little to discover that time spent is useless or literally useful.

Development and progression is perhaps the most fun part of the game. We love all multiplayer RPG elements in multiplayer games. Develop your personality and get the benefits. Grinding sometimes has a magical effect when you think about continuing to play certain games.

Overall, Overkill's The Walking Dead is not an absolutely bad game, but it's certainly not a complete game in its current form and therefore does not deserve the price that suits full-size games. However, Overkill can undoubtedly increase game content and additions to the game, solve technical problems due to bugs, as well as the time required to create matches and longer loading times. Then we will find ourselves in front of a game that really deserves to be tested and appreciated by watching the series The Walking Dead.

Have you tried The Overkill's The Walking Dead? Tell us what you think about the game. Do you prefer or do you prefer the Tell Tale style?

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