Technology News Today – Ten Things to Do in Red Dead Redemption 2 When You Start Playing


As with any player, you must now be immersed in the news of Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite the greatness of the game, it is fair to say that Rockstar sometimes makes things difficult for players for no reason.

The basic aspects of the complex game system are neither explained nor explained at all and it is easy not to notice them at the beginning of the game, despite its importance for the best game experience. Not to mention that some of these fundamentals are essentials during your legendary trip to the American Wild West.

Of course, we do not have time to complain about this, but we want to learn some of these important aspects that will allow us to play and have the best experience possible. Here is a list of the most important priorities to do once the game downloaded.

Of course, even if you have already started playing, knowing these basics will help you finish your journey and enjoy more.

Make sure you open the fast travel option as soon as possible:

Because the Rockstar wants you to experience the harshness of life in the West American Fast Travel, fast travel options are not widely available in the game. In addition to the coach or train, the transition in the early stages of play will be by rolling only to go anywhere.

Once you have completed the prologue – a long section – and access to Camp I, you can get the option of Fast Travel u by updating the Arrthur tent and in Dutch for a cost slightly over $ 500. The option will then be available in the form of a map mounted at the back of Arthur's tent.

This will allow you to move to the main areas you have visited, but unfortunately, this method is a return without return and if you want your drawer follows the usual methods. Of course, it's a good way to shorten the time, but it would have been better to use it more.

Increase the controller acceleration and reduce the dead zone:Red Dead Redemption 2 Control

One of the common complaints of the players is the nature of the game control which gives a feeling of slowness. The movement and the look around you can sometimes be frustrating, especially when you are shooting.

But there is a solution to this problem that can save you a lot of problems and goes in the direction of the Control Options and changes the value of the Cursor in Aim / Watch Increase the maximum acceleration and reduce the Minimum Dead Zone. You will notice a significant difference in the control and response to both corrections and considerations.

The Arthur movement will remain heavy as a huge traffic, but unfortunately you can not do anything about it.

Buy horse alarm clock kits:Rockstar Red Dead Redemption 2 Tips and Tricks

One of the pillars of the game style in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the bond that exists between you and your horse. The establishment of this relationship with horses will greatly facilitate your tour in the world of sport.

Therefore, it is natural that hurting your horse with a serious injury for any reason is a matter of discomfort and frustration, especially if you do not have what you can do to save your poor friend. Because of the ease of situations that can cause damage to your horse, such as jumping from a high position or slipping and being injured, it is wise to keep a number of horse wakeup kits early during the game. You can buy them at the public stores or stables listed on the map.

The alternative is to steal or buy a new horse to begin the process of building trust between you and him, which is annoying when it takes a lot of time. It is better to take precautions rather than later.

Start a fight in a bar when posting in the first person:Red Dead Redemption 2

The perspective of the first player in the game is not very important, but sometimes it creates a nice experience on your test and can even create fun and sometimes funny moments. One of the experiences you should try yourself is to fight in a bar.

There is no movie on the American West that does not include the scene of a fight in a bar, so you have to try it yourself. The test of this fight from the point of view of the first player gives the order a particular humor, especially if it makes too much drink to Arthur. All of this sums up the genius of the first person as a Rockstar add-on, even if the players did not use it throughout the match in moments like this.

Get loot from everyone:

The Prologue section shows the importance of loot for players, prompting them to search in any body for money, ammo or other useful tools. Although the animation of the research process takes a lot of time, it can mean that searching for a large number of bodies will take longer. The loot is worth every second of this time.

By making a loot for each person or building in which you find yourself, you will find that the first stages of the game are easier because you will always find enough money selling what you find and eventually recovering the loot. So, one of the skills you have to deal with since the beginning of the game is usually very strong and useful, instead of being forced, at an advanced stage, to force you to get used to the moment you really need it.

Enable Toggle Execute:

One of the things that bother some players is the need to press the X or A button to run and, given the number of strands you will use, this will be stressful for your finger and for the control arm as well.

But you can easily change the control system for something more efficient and practical. Enable the Toggle option to run, which will allow you to press with the click of a button. Of course, this option is not a predefined option or default, but you must enable it from the game settings.

Always wear Bandana Face scarf:Rockstar Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Bandana

If you intend to cause problems and chaos and you are considering falling into a position that requires an exchange of fire, it is best to use the bandana from your list of tools for hide your identity from the police, which will facilitate your navigation in the game world.

Just remember to remove it from your face before entering a city and interact with local citizens, otherwise you will end up either in a fight or in a fight, or no service will you be refuse. Because Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar do not explain this feature to you, you will soon realize how important it is soon after you have to play in more than one state. The faster you use Bandana, the better you will find yourself in the game.

Manually save a game file manually:

Of course, Red Dead Redemption 2 contains an automatic recording system that allows you to stay away from any point of view if you do not complete a task, if Arthur dies or if you simply do not have electricity at home. However, it is best to save your data yourself via the History menu.

Especially if you want to repeat one of the undesirable events in the game, such as the death of your horse or a choice is considered a crossroads and find out that it's not as good as you want and although these overlays are saved , but any player wishing to complete the game in the form I wish him good luck.

As with most previous tips, you need to back up your files with the beginning of the game to get used to it and become obvious.

Use the cinematic mode at any time:

If you are a PS4 player, you may have discovered this feature by accident while trying to display the world map of Red Dead Redemption 2 by clicking on the trackpad controller.

In fact, what happens when you do this is the beginning of Cinematic mode where Arthur moves his horse to the point you have selected and you just have to press the X or A button from time to time for keep in motion mode. It's a good choice to be fed up with the mobility and control of all the movements of your personality over long distances, but you still want to interact and let yourself go to the atmosphere of the game that offers you a good compromise to reconcile the two situations.

This mode is very useful in the early stages and early hours of the game when the fast travel option is not available.

Never use the HDR option:The spoils of Red Dead Redemption 2 HDR

The HDR feature sparked a lot of enthusiasm and showed how it would make Red Dead Redemption 2 even more impressive once activated. But what has happened is that so many players have made this option a disadvantage and a disappointment.

Although the system offers good support for lights, it gives a boring character to other aspects of the game in general. It is therefore best to keep the option closed. Although it is unfortunate that Rockstar has not been able to adapt this feature, players are not limited to this possibility only because they have a 4K TV and it is about a new technology.

Given what HDR has added in other games such as God of War, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Spider Man, it's fair to say that his experience with Red Dead Redemption 2 has never been a success.

Do you have any suggestions and tips for those who have not tried Red Dead Redemption 2 yet? Tell us about that

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