"Telecom Egypt" signed 3 agreements with "Orange"


  Telecom Egypt signs 3 deals with Orange

The company expects a turnover of 4 billion pounds, or 222.9 million dollars of agreements

Telecom Egypt The largest fixed-line operator in Africa and the Middle East has signed three international agreements for messaging and communication services with Orange [1969005] Telecom Egypt said Tuesday in a statement that He had renewed the international telecommunication service agreement with Orange "for a period of 4 years until December 2022.

The company expects revenues of $ 0.50 ( Telecom Egypt) and Telecom Egypt (4.4 billion EGP), while the Egyptian government holds 80% of Telecom Egypt. [196900] Telecom Egypt reported that "the second agreement for courier services and 39, infrastructure, the first 2021 with revenue expected of 1.5 mi lliard of books, "explaining that" the third agreement is a binding obligation to provide interconnection services for mobile voice services. "

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