The arrest of a Saudi artist veiled the artist Majed Al – Mohandes and was passed on to the charge for harassment – Spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


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Saudi police arrested a veiled girl who was running at the theater during a concert in Taif City and hugged her singer.

The singer Majid Al Mohandes sang at the Okaz Art Festival in this western city.

A video was posted on social networks showing men and women security forces carrying the girl wearing the niqab outside the concert hall.

Women in Saudi Arabia do not have the right to meddle and sit with men who are not related to them.

There was no comment on the engineer, who described him as the "Prince of Arabic Singing" on the incident.

The singer of Iraqi descent, who also holds Saudi nationality, continued to present songs at the ceremony that followed the incident.

Police said the girl was taken to a women's detention center where she was allegedly charged with a criminal offense.

The Okaz newspaper Saudi Arabia quoted a spokesman for the police in the Mecca region saying that women arrested at the Taif Girls' Care Foundation would be referred to the public prosecutor's office in accordance with the anti-trafficking system. sexual harassment.

According to jurist Murad Sabeeh, the girl "will be sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years and a fine of up to one hundred thousand riyals, or d?" one of the penalties, according to article VI of the anti-harassment system ".

Saudi Arabia imposes strict ethical rules on the consumption of alcohol and insists on the need to wear decent clothes and to segregate.

These restrictions, which long barred the women of the Kingdom from attending public events, were eased last year as part of a series of reforms adopted by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman


The incident comes a few weeks after Saudi women were allowed to drive as part of reforms introduced in Saudi society, particularly in the entertainment sector, which angered conservatives and extremists in Saudi Arabia. Arabia.

One of the goals of the Bin Salman economic plan announced last year under the title "Vision 2030" is to increase spending on cultural and recreational activities in the oil dependent kingdom of 2.9 to 6% by 2030.

For the first time, women were allowed to attend concerts and football matches, and the Kingdom hosted the first concert of the year. a singer, organized by the Lebanese singer Heba Touji in December 2017.



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