The author of the Downton Abbey series converted to a movie with the same heroes


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Monday, July 16, 2018 – 5:37 pm
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Monday, July 16, 2018 – 5:37 pm
Focus Pictures, a film production and distribution company, said Julien Filos, the author of the drama "Downton Abbey", made it a film in preparation for production this summer, directed by Brian Presevall, who directed the first episodes of the series. "When the series came to an end, our dream was to run millions of fans around the world, and now that we have gathered a lot of stars, we will soon start production," said producer Gareth Niamey in a statement.

. Julian, charming, sexy and entertaining, and in the hands of Brian Presevale, we hope to accomplish something that people are eagerly awaiting with the Downton show on the big screen. "

The series, which has won numerous awards, revolves around a British house in the early 20th century.

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