The battle of Hodeida freezes. Yemen oscillates between half of war and hopes for peace (report)


New Yemen – Anatolia

International pressure managed to curb for the third time the battle for the release of Hodeidah from the group Ansar Allah (Huthi).

After days of military escalation on most fronts, Yemen is entering a new winter phase, hovering between a half war and half peace.

Joint Yemeni forces backed by the Arab coalition, particularly the United Arab Emirates, were about to release Hodeidah, known as the "Red Sea Bride", following a lightning operation by various brigades of the Yemeni army, national resistance and intimidation.

The joint forces were able to take strategic positions in the heart of the city and approached for the first time the strategic port of Hodeidah, which the Houthis accuse of using to smuggle weapons from Iran, which the group denies.

Military sources told Anatolia that the joint forces were about 3 kilometers from the Hodeidah port, before the order came to calm down, forcing the forces to retreat for fear of Houthi missiles.

Brigadier General Sadiq Dweid, Yemeni resistance military spokesman led by the son of former president Brother Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, said al-Houthi group had informed the international community of his intention to withdraw from the port of Hodeidah and insisted on staying in the coastal town.

He stressed that they supported peace and the cessation of military operations, provided that the Huthis withdraw from the city and the port of Hodeidah in their entirety.

"The release of Hodeida is inevitable, be it peace or war," said Abdullah al-Alimi, director of the Yemeni presidency's office, on Wednesday in a statement relayed by the official Saba news agency.

Joint government forces were the order of the day in the final battle, and the Houthi group acknowledged it, claiming that forces advancing to free Hodeidah are dozens of times.

But it has used landmines as a lethal weapon to curb the advance of offensive forces, and the Houthis have created dozens of trenches trapped.

As government forces approached the control of the "Sham Line", the main new outlet for supplying the port of Hodeidah to the northern provinces of Houthi Province, the international community called for a halt to fighting and warned of famine.

The United Nations sent a team of senior officials to Hodeida, including Yemen's humanitarian coordinator, Liz Grandi, who warned of an "impending famine" caused by the fighting in Hodeida, which abruptly reduced the fighting.

A Yemeni military source told Anatolia that the battle had been frozen since last Monday, on the orders of the coalition command on the west coast, as morale had recovered and they were watching the port. from Hodeidah.

UAE Minister of State Anwar Gargash, whose country has the military record on the west coast, said the situation in Hodeidah had returned to calm and the port of Hodeidah was functioning normally.

He also announced his country's support for the peace consultations to be held in Sweden in the coming days.

Later, the Arab Coalition announced the licensing of six ships to Yemeni ports, including the Hodeidah and Salaf ports belonging to the Houthi group, to speak directly to the humanitarian aspect, such as during the freezing of battle in August.

The international community will be expecting a crucial session of the United Nations Security Council in Yemen on Friday, during which time the next consultations could be scheduled and the date set after almost the entire agreement to be held. in Sweden.

It is not clear whether the ground is ready for serious peace negotiations, but Britain has announced that it has managed to convince the coalition to evacuate 50 wounded from Sanaa to Muscat in the coming days as solution to the complex that had resulted in the failure of the Geneva consultations in September.

The Yemeni government continues to adhere to a political solution based on 3 references, the main one being the recognition of the legitimacy of President Abderbo Mansour Hadi and the complete withdrawal of the port and the city of Hodeidah, while the Houthi party does not seem to be positive about these conditions.

Majid al-Muhajji, executive director of the Sanaa Strategic Studies Center, said peace remained an elusive issue and that political logic would not change because of the battle of Hodeidah.

"The international community has apparently given the coalition a last-minute deadline for Hodeidah and we have seen rapid and rapid military results, but the situation has changed in the lead-up to the UN Security Council session on Yemen, "said the Yemeni researcher in Anatolia.

The Houthi group had resisted Hodeidah so as not to appear weaker in consultations, and could even participate in future consultations, unlike Geneva III he had left behind.

"The conditions for serious consultations are still minimal, and the invitation of the United Nations special envoy, Martin Griffiths, is to call for only taking steps to build confidence and open up The way to peace This question is becoming more and more complex every day. "

You can read the news in the source of the new Yemeni website

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