The BlackBerry Ghost phone can come with a huge 4000mAh battery


A new rumor by Evan Blass, known as the Evleaks, has emerged that a new Blackberry phone will introduce this year a massive 4000mAh battery. This phone is the Blackberry Ghost, which is supposed to be a prominent category and does not have a prominent frame around the screen and does not include a physical keyboard. We first heard about this phone in February and it is expected that it will be launched this summer, probably in India early.

Batteries of this size are rarely found in mainstream smartphones, which are typically found in mid-size smartphones. It seems that this huge battery will be among the biggest batteries used in the main phones, suggesting that the Blackberry Ghost will focus more on battery life with other aspects.

The Blackberry phones manufactured by TCL are not particular to a good autonomy. The KEYone Blackberry had a battery that was above average, but the choice of the company to use the Snapdragon 625 allowed the Blackberry KEYone to deliver good performance. Even the BlackBerry Motion phone had a huge 4000mAh battery.

It makes sense that BlackBerry phones continue to take advantage of battery life as one of the key features of its smartphones for business users and employees in sensitive areas. We will monitor the situation for more information on the Blackberry Ghost phone.


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