The bloody moon does not exist scientifically!


Bloody Moon does not exist scientifically! The newspaper Akhbarna quoted by the citizen newspaper that we are publishing the bloody moon does not exist scientifically !, The bloody moon does not exist scientifically!

Our News The term "Bloody Moon" is not scientifically used to refer to the total eclipse of the moon, where experts say: This term does not mean that it is not a scientific term. His presence in scientific references.

The director of the Center for International Astronomy in Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Shawkat Odeh, that the term does not exist in scientific references, whether they are Arab or foreign, according to his comments to "Sky News".

He added that the term used to describe this phenomenon in English "total lunar eclipse", the total eclipse of the moon.

The return of the term that the bloody moon has appeared only in recent years.

He also stressed his belief that this term was initiated by some because of the color of the moon, but it is certainly not a pretty name, as he said.

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Source: Citizen Journal