The Board of Governors of Arab Central Banks Discusses Liquidity Risk Management


The Arab Monetary Fund, in Abu Dhabi, held the annual meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the Board of Governors of Central Banks and Arab Monetary Institutions to prepare the 42nd Session of the Council

. The agenda of the meeting included a number of topics, including a report on the work of the Arab Banking Supervisory Committee and two reports on the work of the Regional Working Group on Financial Inclusion and the Group. working on financial stability in Arab countries. A report on the work of the Arab Credit Information Committee and another on the work of the Arab Committee for Payment and Settlement Systems

Topics covered included: "Managing liquidity risk according to the requirements Basel III in the Arab countries "and" And "the use of electronic payment tools to enhance financial inclusion" and "the digital revolution and its implications for the banking system and financial stability :

the risks of financial innovation "and" the role of remittances "Factor The conservatives stressed the importance of following the decisions of the Basel Committee and working to transmit the points of the Arab countries with regard to these decisions as well as to study the implications of the applications of modern financial techniques in the Arab countries.The Permanent Bureau also adopted at the meeting the questions to be included in the Arab Consolidated Statement of 2018 presented by the Arab Group to the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank scheduled for next October in Bali, Republic of Indonesia. Support for the Arab Region

The Permanent Bureau welcomes the progress made in the framework of the Arab Monetary Fund's regional initiative to strengthen financial inclusion in cooperation with the Global Alliance for Economic Cooperation and Development. Financial inclusion, the German Development Agency and the World Bank. She expressed the hope that the initiative would help Arab countries to adopt national strategies and programs to strengthen financial inclusion, including by enabling women, youth and micro-small and medium-sized enterprises to access financial services. The Bureau adopted the date and place of the 42nd Annual Meeting on 17 September in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

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