The budget of the festival is limited, we will not hold a prize (dialogue)


President of the National Theater: The budget of the festival is limited .. We will not retain the Al-Manasar awards, quoting the editor, we publish the President of the National Theater: The budget of the festival is limited. The festival budget is limited.We will not retain the prizes.We will publish your new visitors.Today, through our telescope and start with the main news, the president of the "National Theater": The budget of the festival is limited .. We will not hold prices.

A few days before the beginning of the eleventh session of the National Festival of the Egyptian Rah, organized events during the period from July 19 to August 2 began to talk about it at first, but in a warm place, where more anger due to thespians hiding the names of the members of the jury, displaying doubts about objectivity. These issues were addressed in a dialogue with the festival's president, Dr. Theatrical Hassan Attieh, who is heading for the second year in a row. He also spoke of the new course honored and dedicated the session in the spirit of playwright Mahmoud Diab.
The new session has a lot of activities, the most important of which is the official competition, which includes 30 theatrical performances of the theater art house, creativity centers, the General Authority of Culture palaces, businesses and banks, universities The independent teams, as we have for the first time, a small festival within the Grand Festival, the "Children's Theater Forum", in which 7 performances ( Children – Beshri) Children's Theater, Metropolis, National Theater, Cairo and the Regions, Devote a day to the theater of Mahmoud Diab, and a day for new writings, whether research or certificates of To book them- same, a dedicated day for children's theater, in addition to a free workshop for theatrical improvisation, theater and lighting, the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts Theater, provides 15 stagiai winners of the Regional Festival of Theater Clubs.

– How do you find the National Festival of Egyptian Theater?
This festival reflects the Egyptian theatrical movement with its negative and positive aspects, reveals the scope of the university theater and occupies the amateur movement on the movement of professionals. And festivals. "So, I'm perfect and I say the festival is 100% successful or 100% unsuccessful."

– Why was Mahmoud Diab's name chosen to teach him this course?
The program of the festival is to guide each session to one of the great names of the theater, last year the name of the critic Nihad Salihah. Then it is possible to go see a director or a "snooger", and choose "Diab" for this session, because he is a writer of multiple experiences, enriched our theater and gave a visionary vision of what will happen in the future. As a consultant to the State Council to work among people, he is also a writer, with famous texts, including "Harvest Nights" and "The Holy House M", so it was necessary to achieve a intergenerational communication and reread the older generations.

From the festival's guest of honor this year
The festival guest is the Sudanese National Theater, and there will be some kind of twinning with the Egyptian National Theater whose play will be performed by Hatem Mohamed Ali to shed light on an Arab theater. , That we do not touch, and the Egyptian public has the right to see other theaters. "Hassan Atteya, President of the National Theater Festival (3)" / Hassan Atteya, President of the National Theater Festival (3) "/

– Is there a stable plan that the festival will change or change according to the president
Each president has a different project, depending on what he sees best.If I stay in this position next year, I have to imagine that the next And the theaters and the problems of the border regions

– We turn to those honored during the eleventh session .. On what basis are they chosen?
That they have not been honored before, and have not been honored been highlighted over the past two years, add We have five different ideas this year: Jalal Al-Sharqawi is a director, university professor, producer, actor, actor of theater and theater, he is a scenographer model in full, the author Mohamed Abu El-El Salmou nor is the last of the generation He wrote well and published a full volume to the General Authority for the book on "games against terrorism", and introduced personalities of our culture, director and actress Samir Mohsen , graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts, including Ahmed Al Sakka and Ahmad Helmi, Decorator and Director of Photography Hussein Al-Ezabi, He has many prints in the theater, whether it is his work with Mohamed Sobhi or his group with writer Abd al-Rahman al-Sharqawi, the late critic Mohammed Rifai, who is one of the critics are very important in the theater and film and television movement.

The fact of not revealing the names of the members of the selection committee caused a major crisis in the theater community: what is your reaction?
"There is a problem every year." There must be several committees, not a committee. One for the artistic theater house, another for the creative centers, a third for the university teams and the independent theater, and a fourth for the mass culture that sends them the best offer.
Yes, we can not announce the names of the committees during their work in order to be objective because if the following statement occurred: "My colleague on the Committee to speak to the audience to receive the offer by recital ".

– What are the criteria for the selection of committee members?
Excellence and specialization, prefer unknown names, so as not to be related to the theatrical movement, so as not to become seditious, and to be among the members As it is the case in the official jury, to be aware of the theatrical movement, but not involved, in order to facilitate the selection process objectively, and I confirm that the Commission watch without checking the names.

– On what basis is a show accepted or excluded?
The process is very cumbersome and difficult: there are 106 university and freelance offers, and just 14 presentations, determined according to the result obtained by consensus. If we do all of them, we are all objective, we support the festival by its offer and we go out because we have to satisfy everyone in need: 300 evenings we give theatrical performances. [5] "Hassan Attia, President of the National Theater Festival (5)" /

What are the main obstacles facing the National Theater Festival of Egypt?
The budget is very modest and has not changed in 4 years (300 000 000) Following the last session, the Minister of Culture, Dr. Enas Abdel Daim, It has already been raised to 1, 5 million, but even after the increase, the budget is still too low for a 15-day festival and presents 35 groups, but in the end, they insist that the festival will end with suspicion

I do not see no other obstacles to the festival except the budget and normal routines, so we thought to cancel the competition, but we have bad models, the festival of Carthage to compete, and then return from the decision, [19659004] – Why did you choose to take care of children this year?
Because everyone treats artists in children's theater as semi-artists, the last session brought to light the street scene. The course focuses on the children's theater, and we have already managed to have a children's show in the competition We are giving the show to a theater that is of interest to Bey, especially after the success of the Opening of the theaters on June 30, which attracted a new audience to the theater.When the theater is free for the duration of the festival,, Attracted by an unconventional audience.In fact, the only children's theater all the family has never seen, and we missed recently, and the audience remained a group of women and men, but the same Mabcic family theater as a time.

Is there a presentation by the designer of the opera magazines, Sally Ahmed, on the play of Mahmoud Diab, "Land that does not germinate", unlike the documentary that will be presented.

– Last year the price of "Best Theatrical Text" was banned, will it happen again?
There is no objection to the annual awards that were taken into account when selecting theatrical performances. Very well presented.

– Finally, how do you find the theatrical movement now?
The theatrical movement of the festival needs to be reviewed, so there is a kind of balance between the writers, the directors and the actors, especially as the Egyptian author is not lucky. Because most of them are based on foreign presentations and texts, which are resubmitted and also require intergenerational communication, because it is difficult for us to be Manarfesh Min Abdul Rahman Al-Sharqawi and Mahmoud Diab. "Hassan Atteya, President of the National Theater Festival (4)" / Hassan Atteya, President of the National Theater Festival (4) "/>

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