"The chains of Dahab" begins with these stars … between the macho man and the spirit of the woman


Syrian director Eyad Nahhas has asked Syrian filmmaker Ayad Nahhas in Damascus to film the events of Golden Line's series "The Chains of Dahab", screenplay, script and dialogue by Saif Reza Hamed, and Syrian actors Bassam Kousa, Karis Bashar, Shakran Murtaja, Hadi Al-Sabbagh, Samer Ismail, Ali Kareem, Sawsan Abu Afar, Ali Sukkar, Nora Al Aaiq, Zina Barafi, Anas Tayara, Anam Tayara, Tarek Abdo, Sara Baraka, Faten Shaheen, Taif Ibrahim, Raif Abu Abu Radwan and others.

The events of the old streets are a challenge that can be described as "man-man" within the general social fabric, between an experienced jeweler on the gold market, characterized by a deep knowledge of the feminine and feminine nomenclature. her sense of "minister of the woman" and her former victims and suffocations that will show women in a mold not typical of this type. From the company, such as the status and control of women in the decision, and the introduction of trade, for example, not limited to the walls of his house.

Later, the challenge that preserves the characteristics of "narrative" within its shamanic environment becomes a struggle within a dismal escalation that reaches the boundaries of conspiracy and the use of force by unexpected parts, which can be in the hands of "soft sex".

Golden Line has presented a number of outstanding works of Shamia in recent seasons, the most important of which are "Warda Shamia" (2017), "Khatoon" (2016/2017), "Al Gharbal" (2014 / 2015) and "Moon Cham". (2012/2013), Amimi (2012), Hornet (2010/2011), Beit Jedi (2008/2009) and others.

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