The city of love as desired by lovers of "the love of hearing"


Arab News – the city of the desired love as a lover in the audio love, must first pay attention to the attention to our visitors, where the Arab citizen seeks in first and last to know the truth, and the tan that we are also seeking as part of "The City of Love" as lovers hope "love of hearing", which has become the main objective to respect the spirit of the Arab continent, which seeks to know the credibility of the information that it travels, and from us To convey the truth to the Arab continent, we ask the question "The city of love is what fans want in" the love of voice. "

(Arab News: Your Way of Truth), the story was broadcast Friday, July 6, 2018 12:15 pm – Mohamed Allam Conduct the rehearsals for "The Sound Love", on the Miami stage, in preparation for the reintroduction of new and new heroes in the coming days.

The presentation of love and the connection between young people in our contemporary reality with a comedy model, highlighting the number of abnormal moral deviations and sexual relations that can affect relationships between adolescents, and the possibility to address the mistakes of small generations. . "We discuss the idea of ​​preserving ethical principles, although some have abandoned them as a cynical comedy, and we offer all types of love that exist in life, that we are d & # 39; agreement or not.Of intellectuals and thugs to schoolchildren, we have highlighted a relationship between two people with special needs, represented by deaf representatives. "The show does not reject the idea of ​​exchanging ideas. feelings of the sexes, but it tries to bring young people and girls to the good conception of love, which triumphs over a pattern that our societies have elevated before sexual practices before marriage " What happens between men and women after marriage, may be deeper than that love growing absurdly among students in schools and universities. "The presentation raises the question: our perspective of love is it different from passed at the present time, and did Western culture influence our concept of love or not? Based on my observation of the physical closeness between young people of both sexes, all these days are the result of a blind tradition of what is happening in Western culture "and" Allam "that the presentation offers the so-called" Court of love ". "We present in the new exhibition the city of Utopia, the city of love that we seek." For his part, Ahmed El Sayed, director of the comic theater group, told Al Watan: "The show of love is an invitation to young people to distance themselves from feelings of love and love. to consider these feelings as sacred treasures, On people, not affected by what is happening around them. "

" Audio Love "A theatrical performance produced by a moderation workshop with Mina Nader, Suad El Kady, Mido Abdelkader and Rada Adel and two deaf representatives.

The city of love as desired by lovers of "love of audio", we hope that we have transferred the previous news in a transparent way, where we seek to clarify and discover the truth and nothing else Where your opinions are always important in first and last place, "the desired city of love as lovers of audio love", and do not forget not follow us on the social networking pages of our site Arabs News, our pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, C & # 39; is you getting latest and latest political news

Arab News – the city of 39; love as desired by lovers in the "love audio" – the city of love as desired by lovers in the "love audio" – the city of love as desired by lovers in the "Love of audio"

Source: The Motherland

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