The "correct" exercise is useful with age


  A man and a woman during the exercises

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Many people ignore exercise for strong muscles and muscles, according to the report. Public Health Authority of England.

Although people are aware of the message that aerobic exercise gives the heart and lungs good health, they are less aware of the need to pay attention to physical strength in general.

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  • Weightlifting is one of the options, and tennis According to the Public Health Service of England and the Center for "Aging Better"

    The report offers a number of 39 useful activities: ball games, tennis, dancing, walking with walking sticks (allowing physical exercise for the upper body) and legs) and resistance training (using weight or body weight in exercises

    Yoga, tai chi and cycling are also recommended for yoga, tai chi and cycling.

    Muscle and bone strength as well as l & # 39; physical balance can improve fitness and health at any age and reduce the risk of premature death

    Exercise also helps to improve health in times of adversity and life fluctuations such as the pregnancy, menopause, the onset or diagnosis of a disease, l retirement and post-hospital recovery.

    Which can reach its peak when we reach the age of 30 years. [196] 59005] Older people must exercise to maintain the benefits they already have and to slow down the natural decline due to age.

    People at risk for health and at risk of fractures, including those with osteoporosis, should be particularly cautious Especially in the field of launching activities, such as tennis, and they must apply for the "freeze". advice from their doctor.

    Dr. Zoe Williams, of the Public Health Authority of England, stated that "the activity is not just about the right start. The strength and balance activities work in conjunction with cardiac activities, such as brisk walking, as well as a range of lifelong health benefits.

    Adults should:

    • Perform about 150 minutes moderate aerobic activity, such as walking quickly each week
    • Perform bodybuilding exercises two or more days a week for the benefit of all major muscles.

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