The death of the real "Super Mario" at the age of 84


Mario Seagull, the man who named the video game "Super Mario" on his behalf, died at the age of 84.

Siegel was an Italian of American origin who had enjoyed success in real estate in the state of Washington.

In the 1980s, Mario Siegel rented a store for Nintendo of America, who decided to name his famous video game champion.

"I'm still waiting for royalties from intellectual property," commented Mario in the Seattle Times of 1993.

This was the original name of the game Super Mario "Gump Man" until the company decided to launch the name of a person on the famous game.

"Minuro Arakawa was responsible for the creation of Nintendo of America, and he told him that his name would be called the video game.

"He wanted to get out of the limelight, he wanted to know between people what he had accomplished in his real life."

Mario Seguel has left a wife, four children and nine grandchildren, whose family title will remain the name of the most popular video games.

The latest version of Super Mario is among the best-selling games on the Nintendo video game platform with 12 copies sold.

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