The departure of Steve Detko, the creator of the Spider-Man character for 90 years


For Suggestions for Starting Places

"The greatest and most innovative artist of all time." The words were described by the British broadcaster Jonathan Ross, the American artist Steve Ditko, the inventor of the character of Anbekut or Spyder Man,

Ross met Ditko during a documentary on him years ago and refused to participate in the film, avoiding appearing in the media all his life and refusing to appear on the screen of the BBC. (BBC) to comment on his movie "Looking for Steve Detko" in 2007.

The police found And his creative work will remain immortal: he is at the origin of the invention of the Spider-Man's distinctive costume blue and red as well as rope throwers that he puts in his hands. , In collaboration with writer Stan Lee, the character of Spider-Man, in the series of fun fantasies, especially in the fifteenth edition in 1962, and then presented the character in a separate series called "Spider Man", who reached a great obsession with children and adolescents around the world

Personal Spider Man Created by the deceased

Stan Lee, in collaboration with Steve Ditko, introduced Spiderman as an orphan sponsored by his aunt May and her Ben's cousin in New York and gave him a spider to give him supernatural power and agility, in most surfaces, and also gives him a sense of danger that his opponent allows him to reach. Character is a resounding success that remains to this day and has been shown on screen in a series of films and a succession of stars to present, most recently Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire. , And has made billions of dollars in worldwide income, as well as in television as well as other works in successful series of tales, including Dr. Strange, Investigator Comics 1979, The Avengers, 1984 and Mystery of Mystery.Despite the cooperation and technical twinning between Deteco and "Stan Lee" in the introduction of the character "Spider Man" and others, but the differences came to their meeting in 1966, for continue Deteco's work alone, and created the character of the rampant beast with the company "DC Comics."

The influence of "Ditko" in the generations of his characters and his drawings, and although it is so offensive to his homosexuality, many fans of his creations contributed to his lamentation yesterday through Reality of social communication, the public and fans of the late artist's creations, whose writer Neil Jaiman, pointed out that the "deteco" provided children and adolescents with figures that influenced their souls and contributed to create an imaginary world through the personalities of Spider Man, The famous artist, Chris Baeckler, said that the late artist presented to Stan Lee a fertile imagination for teens when they had the idea of ​​a a supernatural, spider-like young man, like the Marvel Foundation, who launched the series of tales "We are an artist and innovator who has contributed to Marvel's success, and we will not forget his creations and so n influence and imagination and imagination of adolescents. "

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