The departure of the Jordanian artist Majid Zawahra


Jordanian artist Majid al-Zawahra died yesterday in a hospital in the Jordanian capital at the age of 45 after a heart attack.
The Jordanian Ministry of Culture called the young artist in a press release and felt that his loss at the beginning of his artistic performance was a loss for the Jordanian drama, which seeks, thanks to the energy of the youth, to be reborn early in the progress of Jordanian history that has attracted the Arab public in the past.
The captain of Jordanian artists Hussein Al-Khatib said through his Facebook account: "I deplore the friend and friend Majid Al-Zawahra, who has passed to the mercy of God, as well as the sincere condolences to his family and to the clan of Zawahra, as well as his colleagues, who ask the Almighty to grant him grace.
And distinguished the last roles of the Bedouin series, such as the father of the late artist Mohammed Zahra, who has presented at the art center through a number of exceptional works.
Among the works were "Falconers", "Be My Friend" and "Nehil", in addition to the series "The Flood", broadcast on several Arab satellite channels.

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