The differences between Kate and Megan behind the Duchess of Sykes move to Windsor Palace


It seems that the relationship between my wife Amery Britain, Williams and Harry, is "tense", which caused the departure of Prince Harry and his wife Megan to the Kensington Palace.

The Daily Mail newspaper quoted a source inside Kate Middleton and Megan Markle as different personalities who did not intertwine one in the other.

A few days ago, Prince Harry and Megan left Kensington Palace to settle in a country house 32 km from the field and consist of 10 bedrooms.

Internal sources said the difference between the personalities of Kate and Megan was clear, even in the clothes they wear and in media relations.

The sources said that William and Kate were very popular among royal family staff, while Megan was sometimes brutal with some crew members.

The difference in the personality of the wives can distance the two emirs, which is expected for each concern related to his private functions and his married life.

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