The euro falls near the bottom of 2 months |


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The euro fell to its lowest level in two months on Friday after the European Union criticized Italy's spending plans, raising further concerns about a disagreement in the euro zone .
The euro fell to its lowest level in a day at $ 1.1433, close to a two-month low point at $ 1.1432 on October 9th.
Italy is the third largest economy in the eurozone with 19 countries and a crisis could upset the entire region.
The dollar index, which tracks the greenback's performance against major currencies, rose 0.2% to 96,091 on Friday, close to the two-month high of 96.155.
At the same time, the pound rose to 1.3038 USD and gained 0.1% against the euro at 87.9 pence.
The yen lost 0.23% against the dollar on Friday to settle at 112.48 yen.
The Chinese yuan traded at 6.9420 yuan, down 0.1% against the dollar. Agencies

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