"The Executive of the Asia Cup" discusses the Sharjah Group's preparations


The Executive Board of the Asian Cup (UAE 2019), at its last meeting at the Sports Council of Abu Dhabi, discussed the Sharjah Group's organizational steps as part of the preparatory meetings of the continental championship. The Executive Bureau on its agenda discussed preparations for the Sharjah stadium, which will host 6 matches of the Asia Cup of Nations, which will be held in Sharjah. With the participation of 24 teams from January 5 to February 1, 2019. The meeting also discussed the rehabilitation and expansion of the Sharjah Stadium and its facilities, according to the schedule agreed by the AFC and the Committee organization of the championship, which includes the building

The Executive Board also reviewed the security and marketing plans, transportation, accommodation and the preparation of volunteers.


Arif Al Awani, Director of the Executive Director, stated that the organizational work of the Sharjah Group is proceeding according to the schedule established by the Committee of Organization, Commending the efforts and hard work of the Group to complete and complete the requirements. "The meeting with the Sharjah Group reviewed all organizational aspects and plans in order to achieve the integration of the organizational landscape, which should be impressive and distinguished, in order to suit the reputation and prestige of the UAE Al-Awni expressed appreciation for the progress of the rehabilitation and expansion of the Sharjah Stadium, in accordance with the requirements of the AFC and the Organizing Committee.

Issa Hilal Al-Hazami, General Secretary of Sharjah Sports Council, and comments from the AFC and the Organizing Committee, pointing out that the Sharjah Sports Council is closely following all stages of organizational work and supporting the path of the achievement of high quality, pointing out that the group has come a long regulatory and supported Da at the same time, the output of the meeting, which has borne fruit and has given rise to many r important results that support the development of our business during the next phase.

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