The Fakih Fertility Center gives hope to patients with infertility and offers a free course of artificial immunization


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Dubai: Al-Watan

The Fakih Fertility Center, one of the leading centers of infertility in the GCC region for the second year in a row, gave a husband and a wife the opportunity to realize their dream of procreation for free. This initiative is part of the Center's commitment to help reduce infertility rates in the United Arab Emirates and to provide a free artificial immunization course during National AIDS Awareness Week. l & # 39; infertility. Fakih Fertilization Center, the only artificial insemination center in the region Including the introduction of innovative intracranial endoscopy technology in the UAE.
The center was selected during the last year by British nationals Massam and his wife who were trying to complete the pregnancy process for more than three years, but did not succeed. The IVF course proved that the dream could be achieved in a short time, the procedure was successful immediately after the transfer of the fetus, the couple went to the clinic to hear for the first time the rhythm heart of her baby. Recently, the Masam family, treated by Dr. Marta Ramos, specialist in reproductive medicine at the Fakih Fertility Center in Dubai, received a twin child.

The Fakih Fertilization Center treats more than 5,000 patients each year and, depending on the nature of infertility, Dr. Michael Fakih, founder and consultant of reproductive, endocrine and artificial insemination diseases at the center, said: "Infertility is a disease that causes isolation and affects millions of people around the world. Tend to isolation and introversion. National Infertility Awareness Week is an important community activity to raise awareness of this disease, and our support for this event breaks down the barriers of isolation and loneliness. "Infertility includes not only those who have pregnancy problems, but also those who have pregnancy problems."
Dr. Fakih continues, "We are aware of the trust we place in the Fakih Fertility Center. But also our understanding and understanding of their emotional and physical needs, a responsibility that can not be underestimated at all. "Our staff is concerned about the health and well-being of every patient because we understand the emotional and emotional impact of trying to have children and we support every patient at every stage."
The Fakih Fertility Center continues to attract happiness on its faces. Tijada and his wife, Victoria Bambert, were lucky enough to conceive: the couple, celebrating the seventh anniversary of their marriage and trying to conceive more than three years ago, recently completed the IVF course while waiting for the results. Fakih for Fertility in Dubai, where an accurate assessment of their condition and the design of their own treatment plan were conducted. During their previous pregnancy attempt, the couple had difficulty getting artificial insemination costs without financial assistance. "We did not expect the Center to choose us for free treatment and we were very pleased to have this unique opportunity to fulfill our fatherhood dream, especially when we tried to achieve it." said Mr. Pambert. We have dreamed of pregnancy for a while, and we look forward to positive results. "


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