The final sanction against Ronaldo in case of tax evasion


Final sentence against Ronaldo in case of tax evasion

<img width = "1024" height = "500" src = "" alt = "The coach Sir Alex Ferguson emerged from the state of silence to which he had committed himself by medical orders.He spoke for the first time of his condition and sent special messages to those who supported him in this difficult ordeal

Ferguson was admitted to emergency duty in May due to a cerebral hemorrhage and required urgent and urgent surgery, after which he was long in intensive care to follow the.

Ferguson returned to his home after stabilizing but was away from the media and did not participate in any 2018 World Cup events.

Manchester United posted on his official account a video of Ferguson saying: Hello, I would like to send you a short message Before you I want to thank the medical staff at Macfield and Salford Royal Hospitals, they treat me a lot, thank you very much.

He added: I have received a lot of messages from all over the world, everyone wished him well, recovery and health, thank you for helping me in this good spirit .

And finished his message, saying: I will be available as usual on the field to follow Manchester United next season, I wish success to the team, Jose Mourinho and the players.

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