The first support device for iPhone 5G will arrive in 2020


Apple plans to launch its first iPhone 5G on the market in 2020 and plans to use the Intel XMM8161 5G modem chip on its 2020 phones. If things go as planned, Intel will be the only provider for all modems. Fifth-generation on all iPhone phones, many competing phone manufacturers have spoken publicly since February about their intention to launch smartphones supporting fifth-generation networks.

It was clear that Apple should delay the launch of the first iPhone phone support for such iPhone 5G networks, and apparently, the reason the company announced that it would stop revealing device sales iPhone was that it would not launch a smartphone supporting in 2019 For fifth-generation 5G networks, Intel will not provide a modem supporting these networks and ready to be used by 2020 at least.

The difficulties faced by Intel in developing a 5G modem have become increasingly evident over the past year, as the XMM8060 was only advertised as a component of larger devices, such as 5G compatible computers, expected by the end of 2019.

The chip maker is developing the XMM8161 chip using the most energy-efficient 10-nanometer manufacturing technology, which increases the density of transistors for increased speed and efficiency. Apple will use this chip to test the prototype and the iPhone 5G.

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It seems that Apple is not happy with the heat problem in the XMM8060 chip, which leads to the existence of levels above the normal level of thermal energy inside the phone, to the point that the heat can be felt on the outside of the phone. It is clear that Apple has decided to give Intel a year and a half to solve its problems. .

Intel is not the only developer of 5G modems to have trouble finding solutions to heat problems and excessive power consumption. Reports released in July said Apple had canceled plans to use an Intel modem on the iPhone 5G. Discussions with MediaTek to create smaller modems as a backup plan if Intel can not deliver a modem chip by 2020.

The dispute between Apple and Qualcomm, the manufacturer of the 5G modem, used by twenty companies, is imputed to the new generation of smartphones. Apple and Qualcomm have been involved in lawsuits that Qualcomm has repeatedly tried to resolve, leaving Apple out of Qualcomm. 2018, it also seems that he will not use Qualcomm products to accelerate the launch efforts of the iPhone 5G.

Smartphones supporting fifth generation networks will hit the market next year. Companies such as Motorola, Shawomi, Huawei and Samsung have announced their intention to launch these phones in early 2019. Two or three fifths of different parts of the United States, as well as networks in limited cities elsewhere in the world.

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