The founder of "Oculus" leaves work on Facebook .. Discover why!


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The founder of "Oculus" leaves work on Facebook .. Discover why! From the site of dawn, Tuesday, October 23, 2018.

The co-founder and former CEO of Oculus, who is now owned by Facebook, has stepped down from his position, while Brendan Eriebi, who held the position of executive director of Oculus, had left the virtual reality company that was not in charge. he had helped set up and bought Facebook in 2014.

"Now, after six years, I will leave society to work elsewhere," he said on Facebook. "A lot has happened since the day we founded Okolos in July 2012, and I never imagined what we could achieve and where we would go." "He said.

According to the TechCrunch report, "Erebi" is increasingly frustrated by Facebook's management team, especially after the cancellation of the launch of Rift 2 last week, a virtual reality helmet operating in liaison with the computer. Sources close to both sides said that "Eribe" and "Facebook" "There are fundamentally different opinions about the future of the company, which prompted it to leave, especially after the differences have increased.

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Source: Dawn

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