The Galactic Guard team asks Disney to come back


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James Gunn and Alf have published the first part of the series "Galaxy Guards" and co-directed "The Avengers"

A film crew called "Galaxy Guardians" for the director's return to work after being excluded by the producer of the Walt Disney series because of old tweets about rape and sexual orientation of children.

And Vin Diesel, an open letter demanding the return of James Gan, director of the movies "galaxy guards" ten days after the decision of Walt Disney, the producer, to exclude from work on Twitter wrote on his relies on the social network Twitter between 2008 and 2011. [19659007] The team said in an open letter last Monday that they waited for the publication of b

The speech added: "All love, support and gratitude from us to James, and all look forward to working with our friend James in the future. "

"James will not be the last person to put his name on the promotion, but in light of the political division of the country, we hope that this example will be repeated, we hope that Americans from all political circles will stop Assassination Arm the public spirits against them. "

Chris Pratt said on his account on the website only" Although I can not stand James Gan's inappropriate jokes, I think he's a good man."

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I apologize for the jokes that he launched years ago

Gan tends to leftist thinking and criticizes US President Donald Trump, which is probably the reason why some conservative thinkers have focused on his many years of publications.

The BBC considers numerous publications containing mockery of the Holocaust

Alan Horne, general manager of Walt Disney Studios, said that Gan's tweets "can not be justified, and they are against the values ​​of the company's studios. "

Gan wrote and directed the first part of a series of films "Galactic Guards", the third part of which was released in 2020. [19659007] The first part was the most successful for Marvel after having realized $ 770 million in revenue from the global supply. The famous director took part in the production of the Avengers

Gan issued a statement on the Twitter scandal: "I apologized for the joke that hurt some people, and I'm really sorry, I mean every word that I mention in the excuses. " 350,000 people on are asking Disney to send James Gan back to work.


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