The Google Go application supports reading web pages in 28 languages


  Google Go will support the reading of web pages and in 28 languages ​​
The Google Go application supports reading web pages and in 28 languages ​​

Google Go supports reading of Web pages and in 28 languages. Read the web pages and in 28 languages, the Google Go application will support reading web pages and in 28 languages.We will post your new visitors to the news today through our Charter and start with the news, Google Go application will support reading web pages and 28 languages. Web pages and 28 languages ​​"height =" 320 "width =" 590 “/>  The Google Go application will support the reading of web pages and in 28 languages ​​

The Charter gradually increases the number of applications Market Go On Google Play Store, the latest app is Google Go, the flagship version of Google's flagship app, launched in April 2014. Yesterday, the company announced an upcoming update of the app , which will allow the reading of web pages in 28 different languages ​​

With this application, it will facilitate the discovery of the best on the Internet, especially with low-specification smartphones or unstable network connections, and according to Cookle can help dictate the Web page to learn something new, or allow you to listen if you are busy, mark the words as and when they are read with the desired volume control.

Finally, for the moment we expect this new feature, Google announces that it will be "in the coming weeks", with 28 languages ​​and billions of web pages, if you are native You can install Google Go by downloading your APK file from here

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The Google Go app will support reading web pages and in 28 languages, follow us on our social networking sites to regularly receive new news.

Source: Mersal Neur

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