The hot weather is wet and dusty until Tuesday


The National Meteorological Center predicts that Saturday's weather will be hot and rainy sometime during the day, wet in the morning on the coast, with the possibility of fog or light haze especially to the north, and the emergence of clouds down in the morning on the east coast, While a few clouds formed in the afternoons on the mountains, indicating a slight drop in temperature in the evening.
He pointed out that the winds would be from the northwest in general and from southeast to east over the eastern regions, ranging from 15 to 25 km / h, sometimes up to 25 km / h. at 38 km / h, and could be dusty. Wave to the Mediterranean in the Persian Gulf and in the sea of ​​Oman.
The country yesterday saw rainy weather on the coast, hot in extreme heat in general and sometimes boring, while low clouds appeared on the east coast in the morning and on the mountains afterwards. noon and northwest winds in general. From 15 to 25 km / h, sometimes reaching 38 km / h, while the sea was light to moderate in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea.
As for tomorrow's weather, the center reported that it will be hot and rainy during the day, wet on the coast, with the possibility of fog or light fog, with the possibility of a drop in temperature and cumulus. rain in the afternoon. "The weather will be mainly northwest in the afternoon," he said. "The weather will be northwest to east, and is on the eastern regions."
The center reported that the following Tuesday can see wet weather on the coast, and hot and boring sometimes during the day , with some clouds down to the east, while the winds will be northwest and east over the eastern regions. e, v, n, t, s) {
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