The image of "the birth of a planet" can help understand the universe


  A New Planet

Source of the Image

Astronomers captured this image of a new planet still formed of gas and dust surrounding a star

It is thus the first discovery of this kind

. The dwarf star BDS 70 is less than 10 million years old and it is thought that the associated planets are between five and six million years old.

The planet is oversized by the buyer many times and may be surrounded by dust.

The source of the image

The researchers, led by a team from the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy in Germany, discovered that the planet revolves around its star, like the rotation of Uranus around the Sun. About the dwarf star about 118 years old.

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It is believed that surface temperatures exceed 1000 degrees Celsius, which are much higher than those of any planet in our world. solar system.

Scientists blocked starlight using a tool called a "corneograph", allowing them to better see the planet.

Source of the Image

How Do Planets Develop?

One of the most widely accepted theories in scientific circles is that planets are residual materials to star formation, usually consisting of gas and dust orbiting the planet. # 39; star.

Over time, parts of this debris rattle and cling.

The larger the planet, the more attractive it is and the amount of debris it attracts, including planets that are still in formation.

Researchers have only our own solar system to construct this theory, so the possibility of seeing planets like PDS 70b in its early days will help astronomers better understand the planetary process.


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