The innocence of Halima Buland and Arafat's flower is an insulting exchange


In a final judgment, the Court of Cassation overturned the conviction of singer Zahra Arafat and the television channel Halima Buland by refraining from pronouncing their punishment. The court of crimes convicting the artist Zahra Arafat and presenter Halima Boland decided to refrain from pronouncing their sentence, which constitutes a conviction in the Kuwaiti Penal Code, which was later supported by the offenses recaptured .

Arafat and Boland exchanged problems because Halima Boland released a video of the artist Zahra Arafat after a cosmetic surgery operation, which gave Arafat a mean look. And after exchanging charges on their own sites as part of social networking programs, which led them to appeal to justice and to pursue each other.

Despite their concession during a television interview of Zahra Arafat for "Bayna Bayki" on the "Atvkw" channel, Halima Boland introduced Halima Boland at the end of last year and presented her defense at court. For them

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