The manager of the German national team blames Ozil for the failure of the World Cup


Olivier Bierhoff, director of public relations for the German national team, attributes the failure of the 2018 World Cup to the confusion raised by Massoud Ozil, the star of the team.

Ozil and his colleague Elkay Gundogan arouse a lot of excitement. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, May 1965.

Asset-based gamblers were accused of anti-German values ​​and laughing at the stands.

After the Manfans failed to defend their World Championship title, And emerged from the first round of the 2018 version of the tournament, Bierhoff pointed his finger

The manager believes that the star has worsened by refusing to Go to the media and talk openly about his decision to take a photo with the Turkish president.

Bierhoff said: "We have never forced a player to" We were unable to convince [la persuasion de déclarer les médias] with Massoud. "

He went on to explain to Die Welt," so we had to think about getting him out of the list. "[19659002] Bierhoff pointed out that the photo taken by Ozil and Jundogan with Erdogan did not lead to the dispersion of Manashavt, but stressed that" The debate that took place (after taking pictures) caused this. "

Despite the shocking failure in Russia, Joachim Loew was to be retained at the head of the German national team, while the blood of the team should be renewed." Anoud Al-Muhairi [19659002]

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