The moment to announce singer Sinned O'Connor


Posted by: Yasmin Amr on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 3:59 pm – Posted on social networking sites Video documenting the timing of the announcement of Irish star Sined O 'Connor Islam.
The star, who became a martyr, appeared on both certificates with the president of the Irish Society for Peace and Integration, Dr. Abdelkader.
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Cindy O 'Connor is converted to Islam, she said on her own on Twitter.
Not only did she change her religion when she converted to Islam, she also changed her name: she chose the name "Martyrs of David" as her new name and she also published a picture of her wearing the headscarf.
"I declare that I am proud of my conversion to Islam, that is the natural result of any intelligent religious journey," wrote Cindy O'Connor, "all the scriptures lead to the Islam, which makes all other writings superfluous.

Cindy O 'Connor is converted to Islam and changed her name to become martyrs

After changing her name on her Twitter page for her new name, she put her personal photo, an image of "Do It Only", often used by a famous American sportswear company, but attached to the phrase "wear it on scarf".
The star changed the cover of his account and placed a section of the Qur'an titled "And pray your martyrs without God if you are honest".
She also wrote in another tirade that her close friend, Elaine, had given her the first veil, and her friend had shivering when she saw her for the first time, noting that she was in trouble. she would not publish the photo because she was very personal.

Al Najma thanked all the Muslims who saluted his entry into the Islamic Ummah and his conversion to Islam.

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