The Moroccan Astronomical Observatory announces a new discovery in cooperation with NASA – Today 24


Having already participated in important space discoveries, the Moroccan Astronomical Observatory Okinaimen Okaimen is preparing for a new discovery Wednesday with the help of the US NASA space agency.

The discovery is expected to be officially announced Wednesday A press conference for the observatory of the University of Cadi Ayyad, led by the Moroccan astronomer Zuhair Ben Khaldoun

While the l & # 39; observatory still hides the details of this discovery, Ben Khaldoun told the Huffington Post that this time it was not about discovering new planets, or "asteroids" confirming that this discovery

The Okaimeden Observatory , founded in 2007 and equipped with high-tech equipment, has already contributed to the discovery of seven planets outside the solar system last year, the planets that have been described as potentially viable.

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