The number of Chinese tourists to the UAE increases this year – UAE News


Ni Jian, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United Arab Emirates, expressed his happiness with this initiative. He told the "Gulf": This celebration is a brilliant start of the activities of "China Hala", and expressed the arts and culture …


The Ambassador Chinese in the United Arab Emirates, Nei Jian expressed his happiness. He told "Gulf": This celebration is a good start for the activities of the "China Hala", and expressed the arts and culture of our people to the UAE public of various nationalities who took care
of To attend. The choice of the Dubai Opera to host the event was a success, an outstanding statement in every sense of the word, which allowed me to discover it and discover it for the first time time.
Jian said, "This celebration shows the extent of the relationship between the two peoples, especially last year witnessed the visit of about one million Chinese tourists to the UAE, and certainly this number will increase significantly this year.The Emirates are spectacular, with all the amenities, comforts, entertainment and tourist attractions that attract a growing number of tourists and those who want to visit.

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