The original lyrics of the song "Yur Sung" by Elton John were shown at an auction in New York


British singer Elton John – Reuters Archive

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The handwritten lyrics of Singer Elton John's agentic song "Yur Sung", which made a splash at the New York auction, are expected to sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This romantic song was written by Bernie Tobin, who has been collaborating with John for a long time. This was the first song that enjoyed great success for the British singer in 1970. It is still one of his most famous songs.

This song has been a staple of all of John's live concerts, and has also been sung for many years by singers of Frank Sinatra and Bitola Clark to Al Jarrow and Lady Gaga.

The Bonhams auction house said Friday that the lyrics, signed and signed by Bernie Tobin, were "the original, the first and only rough draft" of the song.

The project will be auctioned in New York on November 19, first wife of Maxine Tobin. Bonhams declined to give a precise estimate, but said that she expected the lyrics to be sold at a price representing six figures.

In 2013, John Stone told Rolling Stone magazine that "it was a complete song, every time I sing, it gets better, I was 22 and 19 and we had a lot of confidence in ourselves. . "

Song lyrics, particularly handwritten, have become a target for collectors. The original lyrics of the song "Rocking Stone" by Bob Dylan were sold for a record $ 2 million at an auction in New York in 2014.

Tobin will sell many of his other lyrics, including "Candle in the Wind," which was rewritten for the burial of Princess Diana in London in 1997 at another auction in New York on the 9th November.

Prepared by Ahmed Subhi Khalifa for publication in Arabic

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