The position of the injured Baldrawish .. Tigris test Bamba


"Eurosport Arabia" shows you the most important news of the day in the corridors of most Egyptian clubs in the message "Euro Life": –

* Players of the first Ismaili football team who have participated yesterday in the friendly game The first of the training sessions of the army today for fear of being tired .. On the other hand, the rest of the players performed an exercise physical under the supervision of coach Yassin Bouasida.

* Maran witnessed the first Ismaili football club's team, Cameroon's regularity Christopher Mniduga's collective drills after recovering from an injury.

Dr. Magdy El-Baz, the team's doctor, confirmed that Mindoga was suffering from slight pressure on the sock that kept him away from the friendly confrontation held yesterday in front of the army.

He added: "Mohammed al-Shamy and Shakri Najib suffer minor bruising but will not prevent them from participating in the training tomorrow."

The Ivorian playmaker, Bamba, is tested with the Tigris Valley team to decide whether or not he wants to contract with him during the current summer transfer period.

The first football team of Egyptian club Al Borceidi won their last match on Friday afternoon before the team went to Cairo to prepare the match against Morocco's Nahdet Berkane at the African Confederation Cup. next Wednesday.

Hossam Hassan focused on the rhetorical and tactical aspects that the technical apparatus has attached to the recent period.

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