"The rule of your conscience" in the manner of Majid al-Mohandes


The brilliant artist Majid Al-Mohandes introduced a few hours ago a solo song of the words of the poet Al-Jadil and composed by Yasser Bouali entitled "The Rule of Your Consciousness", in the activities of the engineer lyrical that tells his thirst for summer.
Majid released a musical album entitled "The World is Revolving" last January, which included 24 works (for the first time he played so many songs in an album), after his absence from the release of albums for a period of time.

This is what awaits

and the engineer is eager to present new works in this period.His cooperation with the poet who pleaded for the performance of this song has come emotional color in this context.
In February, the engineer participated in Hala concerts in February in Kuwait and also gave two consecutive concerts at the Royal Opera House in March.

Special Secrets Behind the Star of Majid Al Mohandes

Expectation that the next period will appreciate the artistic activities of the engineer, including participation in the celebrations of the day. Eid al-Adha in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia, and Majid finally filmed the song To reassure my heart "in his new album Batri
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